Dymphna's Song http://dymphnasong.com Strength. Compassion. Resilience. For families conquering mental illness. Sun, 24 Mar 2019 21:16:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://dymphnasong.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cropped-HH-Blog-Button-32x32.png Dymphna's Song http://dymphnasong.com 32 32 Schizophrenia and Art http://dymphnasong.com/2019/02/schizophrenia-and-art.html Mon, 04 Feb 2019 02:02:49 +0000 http://dymphnasong.com/?p=12462 Schizophrenia and art. The two things together produce an extraordinary effect. Early on I realized my daughter had talent. Her art work was off the…

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Schizophrenia and art. The two things together produce an extraordinary effect.

Early on I realized my daughter had talent. Her art work was off the chart for her age. Around the age of 12 or so I started to see schizophrenia reflected in her art work, though I did not what it was at the time. Schizophrenia often does not fully manifest itself until early adulthood as was the case with our daughter.  I didn’t realize the extent nor the depth of what I saw in each new creation. I dismissed it as “artistic”. And indeed it was. Perhaps I was in denial, but no, I simply didn’t get it. I didn’t see it as I do now. However, much of the illness still remains a mystery to me.

Schizophrenia and art together give us a glimpse of the illness.

I don’t think we can every fully realize what’s going on in the mind of someone with schizophrenia. Just to know it’s there has got to be enough for us as parents. The artwork, at least in our daughter’s experience, offers us a glimpse of the illness from her perspective. It’s heart breaking at times because the images are subtle, somehow unsettling and occasionally outright disturbing. They convey a type of mixed up confusion that can’t be organized or reconstructed into something more harmonious.

Even when the artwork may not in and of itself be particularly graphic or the content inappropriate, somehow the placement of color or image is just distorted enough- in such a unique way- that it strikes an element of discord that is unmistakable… in a word schizophrenic. The illness is hard to put your finger on; but you know it when you see it. (Or maybe not. This illness is deeply misunderstood and stigmatized.) Don’t get me wrong, in many cases her artwork is stunning and expressive to say the least.

I’ve often observed, in what seems to be imitation or perhaps in an attempt to be “avant guard”, the duplication or imitation of such artistry. Such attempts fall short of the real thing. It’s really not art then, if it’s not an authentic expression of what’s inside you.

Schizophrenia and Art Therapy

In my daughter’s case, art has been an integral part of her life and therefore a familiar and less intimidating outlet for unlocking or unleashing what’s beneath. It has helped her cope during psychosis and in times of recovery as well. I believe the artwork can not only be therapeutic for the individual, but also help those of us attempting to understand schizophrenia to gain some insight to the experience.

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Changes Underway! http://dymphnasong.com/2018/03/changes-underway.html Mon, 26 Mar 2018 03:53:17 +0000 http://dymphnasong.com/?p=12337 This site, formerly known as Harrington Harmonies, is currently in transition to becoming Dymphna's Song- a place to find courage and strength for families of…

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This site, formerly known as Harrington Harmonies, is currently in transition to becoming Dymphna’s Song- a place to find courage and strength for families of those with mental illness. Please be patient as we construct our new site!

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Sustaining Homeschool Through Crisis http://dymphnasong.com/2015/12/sustaining-homeschool-through-crisis.html Thu, 17 Dec 2015 13:16:54 +0000 http://harringtonharmonies.com/?p=12130 You may have noticed a recent lull in my blogging. A few months ago a family member was assaulted. It was devastating and sent our…

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You may have noticed a recent lull in my blogging. A few months ago a family member was assaulted. It was devastating and sent our family into crisis. Everything stopped. Like any educator, I needed to take emergency leave from teaching to care for my family member in need. There’s just one problem. Unlike the employed educator, I didn’t get paid while on leave, nor did my child continue to receive full time instruction from a substitute. Everything just stopped, and rightly so.

I’ve seen it time and time again that an event like this sends homeschoolers back to the school system. I’m not necessarily against that it you feel it’s the best course of action- sometimes it’s necessary. But what if you really want to continue to homeschool long term?

 Sustaining homeschool through crisis is possible.

Ways to be prepared.

Nothing prepares you for violence against a loved one. You ache for them and ask yourself why over and over. You search for meaning or some explanation. You wonder what you could have done differently to have prevented it. I am humbled by the recent violence in Paris and I realize that none of us are immune to crisis. It’s part of our human experience. I’m thankful to God today that healing and forgiveness are also part of the experience.

1.Plan to Plan

When it comes to homeschooling we can be prepared. I have struggled with planning over the years just like any other homeschool mom and the dubious task of balancing homeschool demands with other aspect of life. I’ve had more success when I have planned the entire year out ahead of time. I know it sounds crazy, but it works. I usually order books early and then take a month to plan a scope and sequence as well as daily assignments. It’s really easy to adjust later and omit as needed.

Because when crisis hits you can still do some homeschooling according to what’s planned and you really don’t need to think about it. You can focus on the crisis.

2. The 3 R’s

Reading, Writing , and Arithmetic. You can get back to the basics during a time of crisis. Just do what is necessary and take a break from the extras and keep it simple.

3. Outsource

As a homeschooler today you have many choices. Outsource what you find optimal. It may mean dual enrollment at a public or private school, online enrollment, co-ops, private tutoring of a course or two, etc. Take advantage of ALL the resources available and do whatever you need to make your homeschool sustainable during crisis.

     There is a light during all this darkness…

And at the end of the day, your child will learn more than just academics. He’ll (or she’ll) learn what it means to love each other through difficulty, share pain and joy as a family, and bear trials with grace and understanding. They will know the meaning of being loved and being family- this is your most important task as a parent and as the first teacher of your child. This is your finest hour. It’s when you practice what you teach.

So, if you are suffering a trial or other difficulty while homeschooling, hang in there. Do what you can and teach through love and grace.



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