I never realized what an artistic homeschool we are. Every homeschool reflects it’s interests and strengths. This “specialty” was mainly influenced by my two oldest children. Now that they are both graduated I can see how artistic they really were. It was something I took for granted because it felt very natural and we came […]
ordered homeschool
How to Homeschool in Small Spaces
Every homeschool is as unique as the people in it. Our lives are different too. And our homeschool spaces also vary from huge rooms and remodeled spaces to the dining room table. No situation is necessarily better than another. What’s really important is the quality education we strive for. However, a good space is an […]
1st Week Back and a Wrap Up!
Our week began with winter wonder and the last sighs of break time. And then things warmed back up again! The Return of the Routine was a relief. We had been on leave over a month. It really feels good to get back to business as usual. And boy, did we ever. There were some […]
How to Write Good Goals
I never really thought about it before but in order for goal to work, you have know how to write good goals. When I make my goals I try to keep these 3 things in mind: Goals must be measurable. In other words you have to be able to quantify the way in which […]
Free Meal Planner
Perhaps one of your New Year resolutions is to get back to a meal plan. In that case, I hope this Meal Planner can be as helpful to you as it is for me. Over the years I have tried many different types of meal planning but i like this method the best. The reason it […]