I totally have mixed feeling about starting with seeds. There are advantages and disadvantages that I want to share with you. In the end I am doing a combination of seed starting and outdoor sowing as well as buying transplants. I see the positives of both ways to begin so I can’t say that I […]
Planning a Summer Garden Day #3: Preparing Your Soil
This is by far the hardest thing about gardening…soil preparation. Preparing your soil is important! If you skip it you’ll regret it later! It’s laborious but the pay off comes later so it’s well worth the time and energy to get this part right. Why waste money on plants only to loose them later due […]
Planning a Summer Garden Day #1: Getting Inspired for Your Garden
Getting inspired for your garden is the first step. Before you can begin to plan your garden you need to have a vision. You may not have all the details hashed out yet…that’s OK. The first thing to do is get inspired: gather info, learn a little and know what direction you wish to go! […]
Planning a Summer Garden
This year much of our nature notebooks will reflect our garden plans and progress. Our notebooks are also a great way to learn what works and what doesn’t as we continue to become better gardeners and nature lovers. For 10 Days in April beginning April 15th you can follow my garden plans. I am by […]
Garden Project Update #3
Here is a garden Project update! We are making terrific progress on our garden. Many things are growing, growing, growing. One of the prettiest things I saw out at the garden last week was this beautiful lavender plant. The bees were working hard there. In our own plot everything was looking good. Not to maximum […]