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10 Days of Planning a Summer Garden

Planning a Summer Garden Day #8: Favorite Flowers and Herbs

It’s a difficult choice when talking about my favorite flowers and herbs…because I love them all. So I will highlight a few of the ones…

Cucmbers, Tomatoes and Peppers | Harrington Harmonies

Planning a Summer Garden Day #7: Tomatoes, Peppers, and Cucumbers

Tomatoes, Peppers and Cucumbers are family favorites. I wanted to choose a few summer vegetables everyone loves and enjoys from a summer garden and focus…

Planning out Plant Placement in your garden. | Harrington Harmonies

Planning a Summer Garden Day #6: Planning Out Plant Placement

I use my nature notebook to keep notes and draw my garden plans out. As I think about what I want to plant where, I…

Choosing plants you will use and enjoy. | Harrington Harmonies

Planning a Summer Garden Day #5: Choosing plants you will use and enjoy.

Here are a few thoughts to help you with using choosing plants you will use and enjoy.   Choose plants appropriate to your conditions and…

Planning a Summer Garden Day #4: Starting with Seeds…Advantages and Disadvantages

I totally have mixed feeling about starting with seeds. There are advantages and disadvantages that I want to share with you. In the end I…