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12 Living Books for Ancient History

Living Book List for Ancient History

I’ve been teaching Ancient History through art and literature in my co-op class this year. You’ll find the hands on art projects to go with…

10 Kids Books for Art History Lovers!

10 Kids Books for Art History Lovers!

10 Kids Books for Art History Lovers! Enter to win $25 in Usborne books at the end of this post! Is there something about famous…

Book selection for Phoenicians | Harrington Hamronies

Phoenician Timeline Figures, Books and Resources

Phoenician Study Timeline Figures, Books and Resources ( You are here) Make Phoenician Purple Dye Art Project- Phoenician Batiks Part 1 Art Project- Phoenician Batiks…

100+ Lesson for Living Books | Harrington Harmoneis

100+ Lessons for Living Books

As I put together this list of lessons for living books, the thought occurred to me that we use the term living books quite often…

L. Frank Baum Biorgraphy for Kids | Harrington Harmonies

L. Frank Baum Biography for Kids: Wizard of Oz Activity # 9

L. Frank Baum Biography for Kids In my Wizard of Oz travels I found a wonderful L. Frank Baum biography for kids that I would…