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Spider Milkweed Colr Palate | Harrington Harmoneis

Color on the Kansas Prairie: Milkweed Green

Spider Milkweed: Green on the Kansas Prairie I got this amazing image while hiking the Konza Prairie Nature Trail. Isn’t it amazing? I loved this…

Color on the Kansas Prairie: Sunflower Yellow

Sunflower yellow and gold color palettes are just what you think of  for Kansas prairie colors. Below are a few interesting combinations inspired by the…

Konza Prairie Nature Trail- Kansas Nature Study

One of my favorite places to do nature study in Kansas is the Konza Prairie Biological Station, especially the nature trails. The Konza Prairie Nature…

Kansas and Oz Compare and Contrast | Harrignton Harmonies

Kansas and Oz Compare and Contrast: Wizard of Oz Activity #4

Kansas and Oz were so very different! After reading the Wonderful Wizard of Oz have your child do a Kansas and Oz compare and contrast…

There's No Place Like Home Kansas Unit Study Resource | Harrington Harmonies

Do a Kansas Unit Study: Wizard of Oz Activity #3

Enter the Wizard of Oz Book Set Giveaway below! There is no place like home. What’s so great about Kansas anyway that Dorthy should like…