Jesse Tree Ornaments for Advent Week 3
So far I have posted Advent Week 1 and Advent Week 2 Jesse Tree Ornaments. This post is for Week 3’s Jesse Tree ornaments. By the third week of Advent, we’ll be getting very close to Christmas, especially since week 4 seems so short this year. You can also start doing the O Antiphons on December 17th, 7 days before Christmas vigil. Normally, they are sung during evening prayer before the Magnificat. But if you don’t say the Liturgy of the Hours or the evening prayer part of it, you may want to add them to your daily devotion in the morning…because they are beautiful and will add much to your prayers.
This year I plan to have a simple Christmas. I pray that taking things easy and focusing on Advent reflections will help make that desire a reality. I have so many things on my plate this year but I am committed to making my priorities family time, prayer, homeschool and fun activities.
You can follow my Advent, Jesse Tree and Christmas Resource Pinterest Board as I have been pinning most of the activities and ideas I’ve been gathering.
These Advent Week 3- Jesse Tree Ornaments cover David and Goliath all the way to Mary, mother of Jesus.
Advent Week 3 :
Light Two Purple Candles & Pink Candle
Day 15: David & Goliath
- Light two purple candles and one pink if you have an Advent wreath for week 3 and pray: “Lord you are a mighty God. With you all things are possible.”
- Read 1 Samuel 17: 32-51
- By God’s power David killed Goliath. For older children today, answer the question: Who were the Philistines?
- For Preschool- Easy David and Goliath Color Pages
- For younger kids, I found this really cute craft/ play activity which can be used for playing out this story in a fun way. It’s a homemade pompom or marshmallow shooter! What kid won’t have a blast with this? I also plan to use this for our Advent calendar story this year: Charlie & Noel – An Advent Calendar Story
- There is a specific day where we are supposed to make a marshmallow shooter! But for the story of David and Goliath, you could either use gray pompoms or just use the marshmallows.
Read my full review today at The Curriculum Choice! You can also enter a giveaway for one of two copies!{ends 11/29}
Day 16: Light of the World
- Light two purple candles and one pink if you have an Advent wreath for week 3 and pray: “Lord, you are the Light that came into the world to help us see.”
- Read Isaiah 9:1-7
- Discuss:
The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light.
This light is our Savior in whom Isaiah is foretelling. I also love in this passage the names: Wonderful Counselor, God-Hero (my personal favorite), Father-Forever, and Prince of Peace. What do these names mean to you? Aren’t these wonderful names for Jesus? Discuss with your child the importance of names. Perhaps talk to them about the meaning of their own name and why you have named them so. Make a list of all the names you can think of for Jesus and place it in a place of importance. Here are a few to get you started: Bread of Life, The Good Shepherd, Light of the World, King of Kings, Emmanuel, The True Vine, The Gate, and the list goes on.
- Now if you like, make this beautiful Names of Jesus Advent Chain for decoration, tree garland, etc. It’s a beautiful idea originally used as an advent countdown but you could also just use it as a printable list of the names! *Disclaimer: Parents please note that not all the resources listed are Catholic sources and therefore may have varied doctrinal interpretations and need adaptation. My intent is to make this a resource for all Christians which they can then use and modify according to their tradition.*
- If you want to focus on a name in a little more depth today,use this Names of Jesus Study with several ideas for each name.
- Practice handwriting today with this Handwriting Page for Isaiah 6 (manuscript)
Day 17: Lion and Lamb
- Light two purple candles and one pink if you have an Advent wreath for week 3 and pray: “Lord you make all things right. May we too, bring peace today to all we meet today.”
- Read Isaiah 11: 6-9
- Peace. It’s all about how Jesus brings peace today. Do an act of service today which brings peace to others.
- Do an Animal Report: Since the reading talks much about animals, you can also have your child do a science notebooking study on an animal of choice or do one on a lion and one on a lamb . A Teacher’s Touch also has a good animal fact sheet for younger kids, pond lesson and tons of animal lesson links.
- Try working on synonyms and antonyms as in this Christmas Tree Example. You can use the trees or you can use a lion template or safari animals from these pretty patterns.
- Discuss: How is Jesus both Lion of Judah and Lamb of God? Perhaps your child could make a poster like this one for his/her room or an interesting drawing?
- Your preschooler can do letter L for Lion and Lamb.
The O Antiphons begin! Say them each day through December 23rd before or after each reading.
Day 18: Fiery Furnace
- Light two purple candles and one pink if you have an Advent wreath for week 3 and pray: “All things in heaven and on earth, bless the Lord.”
- Read Daniel 3
- Discuss: What a wonderful miracle is told in today’s reading! What faith the 3 men had in the furnace that they said to the king that even if they were not rescued that they would still not bow down to the idol. Do we follow God because it is expected or because it is right? How does our faith hold up when put to the test? talk to your kids today about situations where it may be difficult to follow God and pray with them and for them to have the strength to be faithful.
- This was a really neat idea I thought and simple but would come out very pretty. Courage Under Fire from Meaningful Momma.
- For science you may like to talk about what things burn and for older kids at what degree or how quickly they burn. Or perhaps you can read up on how fire works. Looking for a real challenge on a cold day? Make fire with ice!
Day 19: Jonah in the Whale
- Light two purple candles and one pink if you have an Advent wreath for week 3 and pray: ” O my Jesus, with you all things are possible. With faith in You I will accept your call for me and do my best to live it out.”
- Read Jonah 1-2
- Discuss: What happens to us when we neglect God’s calling or purpose for us? We may not get stuck in the belly of a whale for 3 days but we do experience darkness. Being closed off from God is not a fun place to be. How can we be sure to listen to God’s call and be willing to follow through? In what ways can we check our hearts to see if we are receiving God’s mission for us or if we are denying that mission?
- This clothes pin Jonah and whale craft is cute for your little ones to make. You can also do these W is for whale printables. Older kids could do a science whale study or read up on whale migration for science.
- For older kids here are some free Jonah lapbook/worksheet style printables to reinforce your lesson. Be sure to scroll down to find the right links.
- Or…How about having your older kids write today? Make sure they include something about faithfulness, obedience and doing something because it is right even though it is difficult. Have them start with this sentence…
“Jonah found himself in the belly of a whale because…”
- End on a sweet note today with whale cupcakes. So easy to make. You can make yours look less babyish. Or simply make the tail and it is sticking out of blue frosting. For a short cut top with fish crackers instead.
Day 20: John the Baptist
- Light two purple candles and one pink if you have an Advent wreath for week 3 and pray: “Lord, we thank you for the gift of faith and making us your children. Make our hearts pure once again.”
- Read Matthew 3:1-6
- Discuss: Today we are called once again to repent and prepare for the Lord’s coming. Talk about ways in which you are preparing for Christmas. What else can you do to be spiritually prepared?
- John the Baptist spent time in the wilderness. Weather permitting, go on a Christmas Nature Walk.
- Teach your younger children the meaning of their baptism with a Montessori Style Baptism Tray
Day 21: Annunciation
- Light two purple candles and the pink one if you have an Advent wreath for week 3 and pray: “Lord, we say yes to you as Mary did. Give us all the grace we need in our lives especially for difficult circumstances.”
- Read Luke 1: 26-38
- Use these Life of Mary Sequencing Cards and play games ( perhaps you already made them as suggested on the Feast of the immaculate Conception-Dec. 8) to honor Mary today.
- Mary said “Yes” to God and yes to life. Consider discussing the difficult topic of abortion today with this truly lovely 3-D Pro-life Coloring Project.
- Take a donation to your local pregnancy center.
This is part of a Jesse Tree Ornament and Activities Series:
Advent Week 1
Advent Week 2
Advent Week 3: You are here!
Advent Week 4
Not doing the Jesse Tree? Here are a few more Advent Ideas and Resources:
Printable Advent Calendar from Hip Homeschool Moms
Christmas Countdown (paper chain printable of 32 service ideas!) from Cultivated Lives
Advent Envelopes from Daniele @ Domestic Serenity
This 4 Week Christmas Unit from Adventures in Mommydom can be used separately or to supplement the Jesse Tree
DIY Advent Candles and Countdown– Classic Housewife
Names of Jesus Advent Paper Chain from Spell Out Loud
Numerous Advent Resources from Sanctus Simplicitus
The Advent Adventure from Homeschool Survival
Advent Boxes from I Can Teach My Child
A Very Sweet Advent Calendar and what to put in it from Sweeter than Sweets!
Advent Rocks-Story of Christmas for Week 4 from The Golden Gleam
About The Reason for the Season:
Just Say No to Under the Tree Syndrome from Watch me Homeschool
How to Cure Christmas Gimmies from Christianity Cove