Konza Prairie Nature Trail- Kansas Nature Study

Konza Prairie Nature Trail | Harrington HarmoniesOne of my favorite places to do nature study in Kansas is the Konza Prairie Biological Station, especially the nature trails. The Konza Prairie Nature Trail is absolutely breathtaking and very good exercise. The six mile hike can be strenuous but going the extra miles into the wilderness is amazing. Seeing the vastness of the prairie really can’t be measured. Of course, you can take much shorter routes and sometimes we do that as well. But I have noticed that the farther out we go, the more beautiful.

What We See on The Konza Prairie Nature Trails

Wildlife on the Konza Prairie Nature Trail is so abundant. We really enjoyed out visit there. | Harrington HarmoniesWildlife:

We always see wildlife- every time. To name just a few, we have been able to view snakes, toads, birds, turtles, insects, plus lots of white tailed deer and even elk.  We have also often heard turkeys and coyotes! We usually just follow the trails on our own. But you can use a KonzaPraire Nature Trail PDF Guide for extra guidance with your observations.

And I just need to mention that there are also Bison being raised and maintained on the Konza Praire -in their own area of course, not on the trail.

Spider Milkweed | Harrington HamroniesPlants:

This year we have just been loosly exploring  the trail and getting to know the routes. And it’s been a family fun way to bring some hands on science into the mix! In the fall we may begin to study trees. What has impressed me so much this summer has been the beautiful colors I see in the wildflowers. They fascinate me. I got a few field guides on wildflowers and have taken lots of pictures. And the idea came to me to create some design color palates from the colors the prairie inspires!  This is how the upcoming wildflower series was born. Watch for: Colors from the Kansas Prairie - Wildflower Series. | Harrington Harmonies

Also coming in July-

Don’t live in Kansas? Starting July1st, I’m joining homeschoolers across the nation to help bring you resources for all 50 states, plus a HUGE Homeschooling Giveaway with over $800 in prizes! We’ll each cover the laws, communities and field trips in our states. And if you’re a blogger just stop in and link up your state specific posts!

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See my list of  Science, Nature and Geology Field Trips for Kansas!


  • Jenny

    Great post with amazing picture of the Flint Hills! We live close to the Flint Hills & love exploring nature on our farm. Every time we take a walk we see something new. When I’m out in the middle of such a beautiful place I really feel closer to God. I love your “Color on the Kansas Prarie” series , such great pictures! Thanks for sharing your nature study ideas! 🙂

    • Stephanie

      You’re welcome Jenny. I am amazed at the beauty here, many people don’t realize how beautiful it really is. I bet your farm is lovely.