Spider Milkweed: Green on the Kansas Prairie

I got this amazing image while hiking the Konza Prairie Nature Trail. Isn’t it amazing? I loved this flower. It’s very gentle colors impressed me so much. And I love both yellow and purple together as well as green and purple. But do you know what this is? I was surprised to learn it was a type of milkweed, spider milkweed to be exact!
The colors proved to be amazing in these pictures. They are not enhanced. I took them on a nice evening in May and it made the color really impressive. In the common milkweed , no doubt getting it’s name from the milky white substance it secretes, I see mostly greens and pinks even though in the photo below it is not yet in full bloom.
Another great way to identify wildflowers is by time of year. If you are not sure about a flower’s identity see what time of year it blooms. I took the next photo just a few days ago. So you can see that now the fruits have formed a seed pod.
There are several other types of milkweed on the prairie; Butterfly Milkweed and Narrow Leaved to name two. You can record what you learn about milkweed when you see them in the field with this notebooking page:
Download a FREE Milkweed Notebook Page
Watch for more Colors on the Kansas Prairie in this series:
Kansas Wildflowers by Color | Great Palins Nature Center | Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center |Nature Gate
Linked up with other wonderful summer series on iHomeschool Network Summer Hopscotch!